Programe schedule

25th November 2023

07:00 Hrs to 09:00 Hrs

-Alumni arrival
-Registration Kit Collection
-Spot Registration

08:00 Hrs to 09:00 Hrs


08:45 Hrs

Arrival of Ex-Teachers

09:00 Hrs

Silver Jubilee Flag hoisting Tribute to departed souls

09:10 Hrs

Navodaya Prayer

09:20 Hrs

Lamp lighting by Principal

09:25 Hrs

Welcome address by Secretary, Reception Committee

09:35 Hrs

Welcome song by present students

09:45 Hrs to 12:30 Hrs

-Welcome address by Principal
-Interaction session of Alumni with Parents

10:00 Hrs to 12:30 Hrs

Free Health and Blood Donation Camp
(to be inaugurated by the Principal, JNV, Sonitpur)

12:30 Hrs to 13:00 Hrs

Lunch for Present Students

13:00 Hrs to 13:30 Hrs

Lunch for Alumni and Guests

14:00 Hrs Onwards

-Arrival of Chief Guest/ Felicitation of Chief Guest
-Inauguration of Magazine by Chief Guest
-Felicitation of Guest/ Teachers (past and present)
-Chief Guest’s speech

(Tea and Snacks would be served simultaneously)

17:30 Hrs to 21:00 Hrs

Cultural Night (performed by present students and eminent Alumni Artists)

19:30 Hrs to 21:00 Hrs


26th November 2023

Dress Code for the Entire Day would be Anusmriti T-shirt

06:30 Hrs to 07:30 Hrs

Walkathon/ Awareness Walk of 3-4 kms from school campus spreading some positive message of the school. Would be flagged off by eminent guest/ MLA

7:30 Hrs to 8:45 Hrs


09:00 Hrs

Navodaya Prayer

09:10 Hrs to 12:30 Hrs

-Open Session
-Interaction of past and present teachers/ students
-Career counselling
-Motivational talk etc.

12:30 Hrs to 13:30 Hrs


13:30 Hrs to 17:00 Hrs

-Alumni interaction
-Sports activities
-Recreational activities and prize distribution for Wall Painting
-Vote of thanks by Event Coordinator

17:00 Hrs to 17:30 Hrs

Tea and Snacks

17:30 Hrs to 21:00 Hrs

Cultural Night

19:00 Hrs to 21:00 Hrs
